Original French title : La machine à faire des conserves

Date: 2011, Febrary
Format: 80 x 120 cm
Category: ,

I created this painting for the Workshop Z who organized a group exhibition on the theme “La Grande Bouffe”
At first I did not want to represent orgy of food, but I was obliged to follow the specifications.
On the opening night a woman came to me and told me “You just painted my kitchen!” It’s amazing I would have loved to make a turn …

I like the idea of making cans we often have leftovers in the fridge and we know what to do. And I also like the idea of ​​having a bunch in her kitchen machine just as sophisticated as each other and which are, generally, anything!
For the anecdote: I made this picture while I was in full speed.

Here are some sketches

Sketches croquis-3.jpgSketches croquis-4.jpgSketches croquis-2.jpgSketches croquis-1.jpg

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