In October 2003 I separated from the boy with whom I lived for six years, I also separates the small home garden background in Argenteuil .
I must quickly find a new place to live.
After intense research for 3 months I finally settled at Le Bourget in Seine Saint Denis . I spent almost a year and a half to retype this apartment consists of one room of 30 sqm. But this is not the work that keeps me from working, I took the time to actually perform two shows simultaneously.
The first year was very hard I made ​​some kind of depression I found myself alone and passing a house with pool and garden surrounded by greenery in a studio in the city.
However, I will live nearly 10 years. I found much the same atmosphere when I was a student I come in boxes of nights very often ( every Sunday for more than 3 years) and most importantly I take refuge in the work. It is in this studio flat that I decided in 2007 not to see some friends and have an extremely low social life. I am convinced that success will only happen if I work hard and that’s what I did.
I will work on even larger formats (160 x 120 cm) , I will develop the technical work I have adopted today.
This is where for the first time will leave my paintings to exhibitions abroad.

I work a lot so I’m happy but paradoxically I suffer from my celibacy. So I registered a few dating sites, I ‘ll spare you the stories of these cyber adventures , but it is through this that in July 2006 I’m going to meet the boy who always share my life now .

Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013Artist workshop of the contemporary painter Jérémie Baldocchi from 2004 to 2013